Feel free to post anything you want to say. However, please remember that this is a public forum and whomever you choose to talk about just may be reading it. :-)
Simply, click on, "Class Commentary," in the upper left-hand corner, scroll to the bottom of the page, and post your name and share your comments.
I am elated to be the first posting. It was a nightmare to get this far. If I have an opportunity throughout the remainder of our days to drive home one point, it is:
Send your updated email addresses to [email protected] or to me directly at [email protected]
In addition, if you ever get information on class related matters, kindly open your database NOW and forward it to classmates for whom we don't have a valid email address.
We look forward to seeing you during the June 27 and 28 2009 affairs. Do not dwell on whether you should attend, just GO! You'll have a good time.
With every good wish,
Rich (Bedard) Peterson and James Peterson
[email protected]