Website Success....
We’re elated with the participation in viewing the website. Our website analytical tools tell us a lot.
Some details include:
We received 79,646 hits from April 1, 2009 - July 25, 2022. These hits came from 108 countries and 2,665 cities around the world. Naturally, once an email goes out to the class, we spike within three days of the email being received by the classmate.
2.) We are seen from all over the world. We’re reaching folks in some far fetched places. 108 countries including Vietnam, Togo, Kuwait, South Korea, Australia, Mauritius, West Vancouver, West Africa, Israel, Russia, Latvia, Serbia, Ireland, Japan, Brazil, France, Germany, Austria, Kenya, Romania, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, and the entire U.S., from Alaska to California to Maine to Florida and everywhere in between.
3.) People are enjoying the Photo Pages, Memorials and Yearbook Photos.
4.) 2% of our visitors are new visitors versus the remaining 98% being return visitors. Return visitors are good news.
5.) Most of our traffic is direct to the site, but, there is a viable percentage being referred from search engines and other referring sites. (our old Yahoo site and address—[email protected])
6.) Our visitor loyalty is high and that is encouraging.
Keep Coming Back!